Einar’s Wish
Five-year-old Einar, was diagnosed with cancer at two-years-old. After lots of treatment and particularly tough times for him and his family, Einar has thankfully now been in remission for two
Our approach
The people we create memories for may wish for things that we might take for granted, but these unique requests mean the world to them.
For each and every request that comes to us, aside from raising funds, our work includes; research, making use of our connections, seeking sponsorship and support, reaching out to local communities, planning, organising and tailoring – we try to make sure that everyone feels cared for and each moment is as special as it can possibly be.
We want our individuals and their families to enjoy the memory as fully as possible without having to worry about the details.
Having treasured memories to look back on lifts spirits, relieves stress and improves the mental health of individuals, their families and those who support them.
We are Creating Memories designed to be treasured forever.
Five-year-old Einar, was diagnosed with cancer at two-years-old. After lots of treatment and particularly tough times for him and his family, Einar has thankfully now been in remission for two
Lennon, 17, has a hypoplastic left heart – he has one pump and uses up more energy doing things, meaning he tires easily. He originally came to Creating Memories with
Logan, 17, was living with a terminal brain tumour and had a final wish to visit the London Aquarium with his family. Merlin’s Magic Wand kindly supplied tickets for all
We’d love to keep in touch with our news – please feel free to join our mailing list:
We don’t just want donations – we love making connections and bringing people together to help make memories happen through sharing skills, resources and time. Working together we can make moments to treasure a reality through creating memories.
We are a small local charity and we are passionate about supporting local people, businesses and enterprises – we believe in making a difference on our doorstep.
Join our growing community – feel good, give back and feed your soul!
We are delighted to have a bank of volunteers who we reach out to for help with the unique requests we look to fulfil. No one is obligated to help, but there is lots of good will, for which we are very grateful.
Our volunteers help in a variety of ways including:
Here’s an example of help we were so grateful to receive on one of the memories we created for a child:
Please feel free to join our mailing list for news and to become part of our volunteer group – only help if and when you can – together we can create wonderful memories.
Help Make a Memory (Hide for now)
Five-year-old Einar, was diagnosed with cancer at two-years-old. After lots of treatment and particularly tough times for him and his family, Einar has thankfully now
Lennon, 17, has a hypoplastic left heart – he has one pump and uses up more energy doing things, meaning he tires easily. He originally
Logan, 17, was living with a terminal brain tumour and had a final wish to visit the London Aquarium with his family. Merlin’s Magic Wand
The following organisations, local businesses and members of the community have been instrumental in making our wishes happen
Latest News (hide for now)
We are so proud that Pritti Saggi has been nominated for this award. Watch her explain all about Creating Memories in this ITV special. Plus some special appearances from some wonderful recipients of our charity.
Our founder Pritti Saggi was nominated for the local ‘Unsung Hero’ award as part of the Bedford Independent’s Local Everyday Heroes Annual Award Ceremony.
Here at Creating Memories, ‘Local supporting local’ is one of our values and we are extremely excited to tell you all about our latest partnership with Pure Planet Recycling.
Your donations will make a difference to families in Beds, Herts and Bucks, enabling them to create memories that can be cherished together.
Would you like to help, but you are not sure how best to do it?
We have lots of volunteering opportunities, whatever your skill set or time you have available. Chat with us today.
If you would like to help Creating Memories you can see details of our upcoming wishes listed below. If there isn’t anything that you feel would fit with your availability, product or service, we would still love to hear from you! Email