Help Make a Memory

Please see below details of the memories we are currently working on and how you can get involved.

We are currently revamping our wishes info – be back soon!


Could you, or anyone you know, help make Jasmine’s wish to meet Taylor Swift come true?
Jasmine, 15, is a typical teenager – apart from the fact she is living with a life limiting condition.
Jasmine has myotonic dystrophy, which means signals from her brain don’t always connect with her muscles, and this makes movement difficult and exhausting for her. Jasmine’s brother also has myotonic dystrophy, and they sadly lost their mum to the condition two years ago.
Despite all this, Jasmine just loves to sing and she is desperate to meet her idol Taylor Swift!
Taylor will be in the UK performing this summer, and we would be so grateful for any contacts, ideas or suggestions on how we can make this dream a reality.


Meet Jake, 18. Jake has a great memory and loves taking in facts and building knowledge.

Jake has myotonic dystrophy and some learning delay along with autism. His condition means that signals from his brain don’t always connect with fully with the movement of his muscles – this can cause him to be quickly exhausted. Jake has to keep active to keep muscle movement going, to avoid losing movement altogether over time. Jake’s challenges are not immediately obvious, but once you meet him and spend time with him, these become clearer. Jake unfortunately lost his mum to myotonic dystrophy two years ago and his younger sister also has the same condition.

Jake loves wolves and his wish is to spend time with and walk with wolves to get to know them even better.

We have made contact with WolfWatch UK ( and are hoping to arrange a very special experience for Jake and his family, to include a session with the wolves and an overnight stay. To experience the wolves at night-time, would be so immersive and a dream come true for Jake.


Meet Ella-Mae, a 9-year-old who loves to smile! Born with early brain damage, she has Cerebral Palsy and is non-verbal, yet her joy is contagious.

Ella-Mae finds immense relaxation and comfort in sensory lights. Her heartfelt wish is to have a sensory wall light of her own. 

Can you help make Ella-Mae’s wish come true?


Your donations will make a difference to families in Beds, Herts and Bucks, enabling them to create memories that can be cherished together.


Would you like to help, but you are not sure how best to do it?

We have lots of volunteering opportunities, whatever your skill set or time you have available. Chat with us today.

Get in touch

If you would like to help Creating Memories you can see details of our upcoming wishes listed below. If there isn’t anything that you feel would fit with your availability, product or service, we would still love to hear from you! Email 

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