Ethan’s Wish


A family trip and overnight stay at Legoland


October 2023




Ethan’s wish was simple. He wanted a family trip to Legoland with an overnight stay, so he could enjoy every second of his time in the park. Ethan, 5, was able to enjoy his wish thanks to Merlin’s Magic Wand, who provided the tickets for the family to make this possible. This was no mean feat.  Ethan has Crouzon syndrome, a genetic condition where the skull fuses abnormally, and he requires 24-hour care. He has breathing difficulties, is tube fed, has no awareness of danger and his development is delayed. Although he can walk, he cannot walk very far. As a carrier of the syndrome Ethan’s mother is also affected, and his younger brother too, although not as severely. This meant that Ethan’s grandparents needed to accompany them all to make it possible – and thanks to the generosity of our donors, they were able to join them. Thank you to Legoland, Horizon HR and our anonymous donor for making this a reality. Ethan loved his wish! Ethan’s family said “A massive thank you to Creating Memories for arranging Ethan’s wish. He truly had a wonderful day and was absolutely over the moon with the opportunity to stay at the Legoland Hotel – it definitely made his wish even more amazing for him and it was absolutely wonderful seeing the pure joy on his face!”

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