Einar’s Wish


To meet Peppa and George at Paultons Park


Summer 2024




Five-year-old Einar, was diagnosed with cancer at two-years-old. After lots of treatment and particularly tough times for him and his family, Einar has thankfully now been in remission for two years. Einar must still receive ongoing treatment in hospital every week. Just recently he was finally able to start doing more fun things! Einar loves watching Peppa Pig and also loves theme parks! We were so happy to arrange for Einar and his family to go to Peppa Pig World at Paultons Park. Everyone had a great time enjoying the rides at the Park and the highlight for Einar was having a personalised meet, greet and play with Peppa and George. Thank you to not only to Paultons Park, but also to the Mortimer Arms for helping us make this memory extra special by working with us to provide an overnight stay for the family so that they could fully enjoy and make the most of their time at Paultons Park. Einar – we are so happy to have created a wonderful memory for you and your family.

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